September saw a busy start to the new term with plenty of new faces joining our dance family at Dance with Dash. The children have adapted to the 2 meter distancing rules so very well and I am super proud of them. Thank you all for being so supportive and adaptable to all our new rules. I must say I do miss all of those scrummy cuddles I used to get though.
For the senior ballet girls they now have a dedicated 30 minute pointe class and they have progressed so much over the 7 weeks.
The younger ones have also thoroughly enjoyed getting back to dance with Melody Bear and gaining those sparkly medals.
Then just as we are ready to return from a half term break, Sadly Boris Johnson announced a 2nd 4 week National lockdown due to Covid 19. So very sad for us to close our doors again after such a successful 7 weeks.
We did however dance on and took part in the annual Tapathon arranged by The Performers Project.
This year however 22 of us danced at home, joining virtually to dance together with our Tapathon family nationwide to yet again raise money for Children in need. I will update you on how many took part across the nation and how much we raised very soon.
Now heading into December I am very excited to say we will be returning home to The Townsend hall from Thursday 3rd December for classes for under 18s. Sadly no Adult Ballet or Tap, but I hope to see you very soon.
Can’t wait to see you all !
Sarah x