February Half term workshop

Tuesday 18th February 9-3pm, for Children aged 5-11years , at The Townsend Hall, Shipston On Stour.

£30, or book by Sunday 2nd February to receive the early bird price of £25.

Lots of fun dance and games, whilst learning some choreography skills to create 2 dances across the day to perform to our grown ups at the end of the workshops. We will also craft 2 different props to use within the dances we create, using fabric, pens, glue, and cardboard.

Food is not included. Please bring a packed lunch/ snacks for the day and a water bottle.

Happy New year!

Wow last term flew by and we are now in 2025!

It was a super busy term with many of us taking part in The performers Projects annual Tapathon again this year. Every Year the Performers project choreograph a Tap dance which we learn along with many other dance school/tap dancers across the nation with the aim of raising money for Children in Need. This year the song choice was spice up your life and the spice girls could be heard blasting out for several weeks as we got to grips with our dance.

On Sunday 17th November 33 of us aged between 5 and 50 years took part along with 25 Tappers from chipping Norton School of dance who joined us on the day.

We had a wonderful time coming together as a dance family Tapping out a fun warm up all together and then performing an advanced and a simplified routine all at the same time. Wow it was loud! So many parents, past students, friends, and grandparents came along to support us on the day and we raised a further £368.45 on our refreshments stall for Children in Need.

Nationally 7,470 people took part Tapping, collectively raising over £34,000 For children in Need.

Post Tapathon there was definitely a buzz of Christmas in the air. Parents came in to watch classes and see just how hard we have all been working and how much progress has been made in class.

Many Melody Bear medals were given out as the end of term drew nearer, and reward cards were completed. Some of our seniors returned from University to tell us about their new adventures and join in with our last week of Christmas fun and partying.

Now with January upon us I am excited about what 2025 will bring us. Some new faces joining us and as we start to think about our bug Summer show 2025, there will certainly be a bit of a buzz in the air.

Happy New Year all!

Here’s to another year filled will fun, laughter and dance.

Sarah x

Autumn 2024

What a wonderful start to the new school year we have had so far.

We returned to a set of fantastic exam results following our summer exams, which included; 9 Merits, 7 Distinctions and 5 Distinction *.

Wow! some absolutely incredible marks, especially from our Pre Primary Tappers. You all worked so very hard to get such outstanding results.

September brought lots of new faces and lots of new grades to learn post examination. Everyone has embraced their new exercises with a huge amount of enthusiasm and lots of hard work. Senior students in particular have been working hard to regain flexibility post summer holidays and learn lots of new ‘tricky’ steps in their Tap classes.

There has been a bit of a buzz flying around along with the sound of ‘Spice up your life’ as we have all been working away in Tap classes to learn this years Tapathon, organised by The performers project, nationally to raise money for Children in Need. With just a couple of weeks left our t-shirts to wear whilst taking part have arrived and we have just 2 more family Saturday practices before the big day on Sunday 17th November. Its always rather challenging and a lot of fun to come together to learn someone else’s choreography , with students from 5 years up to adults taking part. Do come along and support us, and be a part of the fun.

Melody Bear has been very busy celebrating everything autumn, she has been flying like butterflies, swishing in the leaves, planting in the garden, feeding the birds and ending term mixing up potions, fling on broomsticks and balancing bats/rats and spiders on our heads.. Many Medals have been given out in class, both in younger groups and in 1st ballet, with some students moving up to syllabus class on a Monday.

Albert also celebrated winning a runners up prize in the national Melody Bear summer colouring competition.

After a restful half term I look forward to welcoming students back to a busy and fun term in the lead up to Christmas.

See you Monday 4th November

Sarah x

Autumn term 1. 2023

What a fantastic start to the school year! Lots of new faces added to our dance family and getting back into syllabus classes after our busy show terms in the summer.

We also waved this lovely girl off to university. It has been very odd without her in classes this term. After 13 years of teaching someone, you really do get to know them well and get to witness many birthday’s and life events. We cannot wait to see you back ‘home’ soon Ella!

In all classes we have been getting back in the swing of learning syllabus work again after a summer term learning choreography for our successful show in July. Lots of hard work and an emphasis on flexibility.

We have welcomed lots of new faces to our Melody Bear classes with new Saturday morning classes, including new 1st ballet for those reception age, and their first taste of ‘big girl’ ballet. Melody Bear has been all about Autumn, lots of swirling, whirling and blowing leaves, rain dances, and a fabulous Spooky Halloween workshop where we flew like bats, prowled like cats, skipped in the pumpkin patch and mixed up magical spells. Many also celebrated as they received their medals this term.

Halloween was not just celebrated by the youngest members. We also had a full day of dance and craft on the 31st October, and a bunch of girls helped to choreograph 2 spooky dances along with crafts and fun games. We all had a blast!

Not forgetting all the hard work we have been putting in learning the Children in Need Tapathon 2023, organised by the Performers Project. We have been learning this across all Tap classes and I’m very excited to get back to dance next week to hand out the t-shirts ready for the big day itself on Sunday 19th November.

Looking forward to seeing you all from Monday 6th November for another 6 weeks of dancing and all the excitement Christmas term brings.

Sarah X

Happy Easter !

This term Ends Saturday 1st April; and we return again Monday 17th April.

We have several workshops on offer during the Easter break to keep your little ones occupied.

Melody  Bear Dance and Craft workshops for the youngest students. Grown ups remain with students for these workshops and they include refreshments for all.

Workshops for older students include a full  day dance and craft workshop where we will be creating mascarade ball style masks to use in our choreography. Junior and senior contemporary workshops are also available this Easter. Fun dance and choreography workshop culminating in a dance to perform at the end of the session


New Class starting Tuesday 27th February

After the popularity of our teen Contemporary class, and your frequent requests. Junior Contemporary will be starting this Spring 2023

The class is for those aged 8-12 years and is a non syllabus class.

We will be learning the contemporary style of movement with a strong emphasis on learning chorographical skills, working together to create a group dance each term. We will me learning how to use our emotions and movements to portray a story/theme whilst also learning sound technique.

Our contemporary classes are always great fun, and I thoroughly enjoy seeing the children strive to portray there own choreography.

Tuesday evenings 5-5.45pm at The Townsend hall, Shipston on Stour