Sunday 21st November 29 Dance with Dash Tappers of all ages took part in The Performers project Tapathon 2021, with 1 member joining us virtually from home.
We had a great time Tapping all together again and ate plenty of cake, taking £199 (before hall hire) on our cake stall again for Children in Need
There were many of us across the nation and we had a wonderful message from The performers project
“Despite challenges faced, participants having to isolate, connecting virtually, or catching covid …Together we achieved an incredible feat of just tipping the 7000 mark, with 7012 Tapathoner’s nationwide taking part and collectively raising £28.340.” for Children in Need.
I think you will agree that is a great effort made and a huge donation made to Children in Need, making all those hours of practice well worth it.
Congratulations Tappers! and huge thanks you to all those who supported us this year.
Sadly Covid is now hitting our area hard, but in true Tapathon spirit
“im still Standing”
and excitedly await our 2nd lot of exam results before we celebrate Christmas.