First, apologies for not posting for such a long time. I honestly forgot that this part of my website existed. Whoops!
Its certainly been a busy 12 weeks since I returned to work in September. I can’t say its been easy getting a work life balance after 6 months of being a full time mummy to my now 3 boys, but it has been absolutely wonderful to get back to my dance school and teaching all of you. Seeing lots of returning faces and many new ones has been very heart warming. Baby Albert has also thoroughly enjoyed meeting and having cuddles with the dance school family.
November 18th was this years Children in Need Tapathon day with 34 tappers from Dance with Dash taking part and 7,494 as a whole taking part in this nationwide event. A truly staggering amount of 36,700 pounds for Children in Need was raised with a further 137 pounds and 52 pence raised on the day through our refreshments stall. We all worked so hard for this event and I for one really hoped that we may just break that world record this year. Sadly however we were 102 people short of the record. On the bright side, it does mean I will be re registering again for the 2019 event and we can all have great fun learning and accomplishing a new routine. With 102 new faces joining us!
This term ends on Saturday 15th December for our Christmas break. Please do come in to classes this week and see how your children have progressed over the last term. There really has been a lot of hard work going on and i will be applying for a spring exam session. Sadly no Christmas show. It was just a little to much to pull off after 6 months of no classes and so many new faces, but… a Summer show is now in the diary!
This festive break , Melody Bear is having a Christmas fun session on Tuesday 18th December for 2-5 year old’s. Please do pre book this as i only have 12 spaces available and would hate to disappoint. I am also offering a workshop for senior tappers on December 28th for those who really miss dancing (me) over the break. Again pre bookable as entirely dependent on numbers. I know i have missed out those juniors in the middle but i also have some exciting workshops for you on the cards for the New Year.
Thank you all for your custom and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas filled with family, love, laughter and an abundance of chocolate!
Sarah x