What a wonderful start to the new school year we have had so far.
We returned to a set of fantastic exam results following our summer exams, which included; 9 Merits, 7 Distinctions and 5 Distinction *.
Wow! some absolutely incredible marks, especially from our Pre Primary Tappers. You all worked so very hard to get such outstanding results.

September brought lots of new faces and lots of new grades to learn post examination. Everyone has embraced their new exercises with a huge amount of enthusiasm and lots of hard work. Senior students in particular have been working hard to regain flexibility post summer holidays and learn lots of new ‘tricky’ steps in their Tap classes.

There has been a bit of a buzz flying around along with the sound of ‘Spice up your life’ as we have all been working away in Tap classes to learn this years Tapathon, organised by The performers project, nationally to raise money for Children in Need. With just a couple of weeks left our t-shirts to wear whilst taking part have arrived and we have just 2 more family Saturday practices before the big day on Sunday 17th November. Its always rather challenging and a lot of fun to come together to learn someone else’s choreography , with students from 5 years up to adults taking part. Do come along and support us, and be a part of the fun.

Melody Bear has been very busy celebrating everything autumn, she has been flying like butterflies, swishing in the leaves, planting in the garden, feeding the birds and ending term mixing up potions, fling on broomsticks and balancing bats/rats and spiders on our heads.. Many Medals have been given out in class, both in younger groups and in 1st ballet, with some students moving up to syllabus class on a Monday.
Albert also celebrated winning a runners up prize in the national Melody Bear summer colouring competition.

After a restful half term I look forward to welcoming students back to a busy and fun term in the lead up to Christmas.
See you Monday 4th November
Sarah x